Saturday, March 19, 2016

Stem Science and Leprechaun Leap

St. Patrick's Day

We celebrated St. Patrick's Day with a Jog a Thon, building leprechaun traps, and studying bridges.  We ended our day with a rainbow bridge stem science activity.

Friday, March 4, 2016


Saturday, January 9, 2016

Poetry- My Love and My Heart by Henry S. Leigh

My heart's a Ball of String Craft

Miss Britnee"Metaphors" Be With You - Making Sense of Similes and Metaphors
Click on the picture to download this resource for only $3.25 from Miss Britnee 

Poetry- Oh Captain, My Captain by Walt Whitman and Bio

'Oh Captain! My Captain!' by Walt Whitman  This is the moving poem shared by Robin Williams in 'Dead Poet's Society' - written in memory of loved President Abraham Lincoln. Whitman wrote it to honor Lincoln after his death.

Full Audiobooks

Dead Poets Society

How to Read Poetry
Rap Version of Oh Captain, My Captain!

Walt Whitman
Photo of Walt Whitman. Many students read “Oh Captain, My Captain”—but often don’t realize that Walt Whitman composed that poem to capture his emotions at hearing of President Lincoln’s assassination. Whitman, already a famous poet, served as a volunteer nurse in Washington, seeing the horrors of war firsthand as he tended to wounded soldiers.:

Poetry- Nothing Gold Can Stay by Robert Frost

Nothing Gold Can Stay - Robert Frost:
OUTSIDERS - Nothing Gold Can Stay by Robert Frost: Analysi Alliteration

Ingredients for good writing...I teach the kids to look at the word begins with ALL.  I tell them that with alliteration several if not ALL of the words in a phrase or sentence begin with the same consonant sound.  We practice a few tongue twisters.:

Poetry- A Poison Tree by William Blake


"A Poison Tree" PowerPoint Core Knowledge /Product/A-Poison-Tree-PowerPoint-Core-Knowledge-2060643 


Imagery is one of my personal favorite things about reading and writing. This pin is a great way to incorporate imagery which Duffy states is, "using prior knowledge about [descriptive] words and about our senses to create an image in the mind" (Duffy, p.117). "The relationship between reading and writing is particularity clear when teaching imaging...the more students practice composing text that helps readers create images, the better they will be at creating images as readers" (p. 121).:

Poetry- Spring Storm by Jim Wayne Miller

And another knows nought of its chilling fall Upon him aat all, On whom the rain comes down.  An Autumn Rain ~ poem of Thomas Hardy:

Poetry- Every Cat Has a Story by Naomi Shihab Nye

Click on the link below for a writing assignment.

Poetry- Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost


Thanksgiving Randomness: